What do we do:
Social research

Dr. Pilar Cañabate, head of Social Work

"The aim of social research is the analysis of the variables related to the care of a person with cognitive decline or dementia in order to identify those involved in the welfare of the one affected as well as their family enviroment."

More about Social Work

On-going projects

PreDADQoL – Ethical and Legal Framework for Predictive Diagnosis of Alzheimer’s Disease: Quality of Life of Individuals at Risk and their Close Others

ERA-NET NEURON (Call 2015)

The PreDADQoL Project aims to develop a theoretical and practical operational framework in order to lay down the basis for managing the situations that people has to face when they are told that in the future they may develop Alzheimer's disease.

RAMCIP - Robotic Assistant for MCI Patients at Home

European Comission (H2020-PHC-2014/2015) & Fundació ACE

The RAMCIP study has developed the first home care robot for older people with mild cognitive impairment (MCI)

La demencia en Barcelona: retrato de la estructura y atención socio-sanitaria de 10.000 familias

Fundació ACE

This study analyzes the variables associated with the care of people with cognitive impairment or dementia in order to find out those that help or hinder the well-being of the patient and their closest environment.

SOCRATES - Social Cognitive Robotics in the European Society

European Comission (H2020-MSCA-ITN-2016)

SOCRATES investigates social robotics, focusing especially on older people. The project is based on the need for caregivers to have advanced tools that stimulate people with cognitive deficits.