What do we do:
Daycare Unit
The Daycare Unit is a daytime resource focused on people with cognitive impairment and dementia. It is formed by the Day Center, the Day Hospital and the Memory Workshops.
Amèrica Morera
Deputy Director of the Daycare Unit
At the Daycare Unit we offer non-pharmacological treatment and monitoring to users in various fields. We apply the Integral Psychoestimulation Program (L. Tárraga 1991) to help them stay cognitively and functionally autonomous as long as possible.
The Daycare Center is a social service that offers assistance to people with cognitive impairment or dementia in a daytime regime. The approach is interdisciplinary, able to cover the needs of the person and their family in early and moderate phases of the disease.
The objective is to offer an adequate environment adapted to the needs of people, to favor the maintenance of personal and social autonomy, to keep the person in their personal and family environment in the best conditions, as well as to provide support to families.
The Daycare Center has authorization for a total of 80 places, of which 30 are arranged with the Catalan Institute of Assistance and Social Services.
It offers the following services:
- Cognitive psychostimulation
- Occupational therapy
- Supervision and support in personal care and activities of daily life
- Specialized health care and nursing care
- Social care
- Periodic cognitive assessments
- Attention, support and training for family members
- Feeding
- Physiotherapy
- Music therapy
The multidisciplinary team is formed by medical personnel specialized in neurology, geriatrics, psychiatry as well as specialists in neuropsychology, psychology, nursing, social work, occupational therapy, physiotherapy and music therapy.
The Daycare Hospital is a social health service that offers daytime assistance to people, primarily under 65, with cognitive or dementia. The person and his family benefit from comprehensive therapeutic care. The approach is interdisciplinary, able to cover the needs of the person and their family in early and moderate phases of the disease.
The objective is to offer continuous therapeutic attention in the physical, psychic and social aspects, as well as:
- Rehabilitate and restore deficits, stimulate to delay the progressive loss of abilities, optimize the residual functional capacities of the person and alleviate and replace deficiencies.
- Delay or prevent the hospitalization of the patient and keep it in their usual environment.
- Offer health education and provide information, advice, training and support to families: emotional containment, reduction of the burden.
- Promote the formation of support groups and mutual aid.
- Encourage coordination and collaboration with the necessary resources to establish the most accurate diagnosis possible.
The Dementia Day Hospital has authorization for a total of 75 places, of which 52 are arranged with CatSalut.
It offers the following services:
- Cognitive psychostimulation
- Occupational therapy
- Supervision and support for personal healing and activities of daily life
- Specialized health care and nursing care
- Social care
- Periodic cognitive assessments
- Attention, support and training for family members
- Feeding
- Physiotherapy
- Music therapy
The multidisciplinary team is formed by medical personnel specialized in neurology, geriatrics, psychiatry as well as specialists in neuropsychology, psychology, nursing, social work, occupational therapy, physiotherapy and music therapy.
The memory stimulation workshops are aimed at people who have memory loss. This type of therapeutic intervention makes it possible to maintain functional autonomy in the affected person's daily life for as long as possible. Structured memory training responds to the current demand presented by family members.
The objectives of the memory workshops are:
- Use residual learning abilities in the early stages of the disease.
- Create a weekly routine in the assistance of the person with dementias to the group.
- Provide a state of well-being, decreasing the responses of anxiety and depression, and improve the quality of life.
- The group format promotes the interaction of the participants, acting as a support and self-help tool.
The groups of memory workshops are small, a maximum of seven people. The user attends two weekly sessions of an hour and a half.
How to access?
Subsidised places:
- Preliminary assesment of cognitive and behavioural disorders.
- Assesment of suitable resources.
Day Centre: It is needed the processing of aid provided for in the Dependency Law (Law 39/2006, Of 14 December, Promotion Of Personal Autonomy And Care For People In A Situation Of Dependence) to access the subsidised place.
Day Hospital: It is needed the assessment of the competent services.
- Preliminary assesment of cognitive and behavioural disorders.
- Assesment of suitable resources by the social worker.